Cannabis in Ireland
Who is enjoying Cannabis
General Population Use: According to the 2019-2020 National Drug and Alcohol Survey (NDAS) conducted by the Health Research Board (HRB) in Ireland, approximately 27.9% of adults aged 15+ reported having used cannabis at least once in their lifetime. About 7.1% reported using it in the last year, and 4.3% reported using it in the last month.
Age Groups: Cannabis use is more prevalent among younger adults. The same survey found that 15.5% of young adults aged 15-34 reported using cannabis in the last year, compared to 3.1% of those aged 35+.
Gender Differences: Men are more likely to use cannabis than women. The survey reported that 9.6% of men used cannabis in the last year, compared to 4.7% of women.
Regional Differences: Cannabis use tends to be higher in urban areas compared to rural areas.
Trends Over Time: Cannabis use in Ireland has been relatively stable over the past decade, with slight fluctuations. The 2019-2020 survey showed a slight increase in recent use compared to previous surveys.
Medical Cannabis: Medical cannabis use is legal in Ireland under specific conditions, but the number of users is relatively small and tightly regulated.
Lifetime use: ~27.9% of adults (15+)
Last year use: ~7.1% of adults (15+)
Last month use: ~4.3% of adults (15+)
Young adults (15-34): ~15.5% used in the last year
NOTE: These figures are based on self-reported data, so actual usage rates will be higher due to underreporting!!

Prohibition in Ireland
For many the most dangerous thing about enjoying Cannabis is suffering the consequences of one of the most repressive regressive prohibition judiciaries in Europe!